“The game is so much fun we forgot to name it! So now we need your help! … Help us launch this game out into the world to help save oceans from the tuna industry destruction.” — Travis Nichols, media officer, Greenpeace USA
This week, Greenpeace introduced another big ticket and impractical technology tool to save us from ourselves — a yet to be named computer “8-bit Pac Man-style adventure .” And for just a small donation (toward their $700,000/day operating budget) you can make an activist’s dreams come true…
Of course, helping a pixelated “baby shark escape from the supermarket tuna aisles of death,” is a lot more fun when you’re tanning on the foredeck of Greenpeace’s $32 million yacht. In the real world, bycatch mitigation, eliminating illegal fishing, reducing overcapacity, and other tuna stock health efforts are not fun and games but real work.
As one serious-minded marine biologist explains:
“We can’t do it all our ourselves by standing on the outside beating a drum… We get much greater advances if we work very closely with like-minded partners that are actually part of the system.” — Dr. Bill Fox, vice president, WWF and vice chair of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
We’re not asking for your money — the fishing industry invests millions of dollars to fund research, buy monitoring technologies, and reward innovative improvements in fishing gear. But given the choice, would you still donate hard-earned cash to launch “Medieval Tuna Reloaded”?