Phil Radford, the Executive Director of Greenpeace USA, has announced that he will be stepping down from his position at the end of April. As a tribute to Radford and his work, we’ve put together a timeline of his efforts to steer American families away from canned tuna, one of the most nutritious and affordable foods available, by making false claims about its sustainability. Please join us as we take a look at back at his work, and wish him a farewell that is long overdue.
1. First Radford and Greenpeace tried to claim that skipjack and albacore tuna stocks are in trouble. Turns out they were just making stuff up.
2. When the USDA, the Institute of Medicine and Harvard, along with the leading medical associations in the U.S. all reaffirmed that tuna is heart-healthy and boosts baby brain cognition, Radford and Greenpeace put on their thinking caps to invent more wacky theories about tuna sustainability.
3. While America’s leading tuna companies continue to work with the scientific community to keep tuna healthy for generations to come, Radford and Greenpeace keep busy by dressing up in costumes and dancing in parking lots.
4. Next, Radford and Greenpeace demanded that all tuna be caught one-at-a-time with a fishing rod. When asked how much more that would cost in fuel, labor, time, and carbon emissions — Greenpeace said nothing. Apparently, they hadn’t even thought about it.
5. Undeterred by logic, facts, shame, or ridicule, Radford and Greenpeace launched a number of bold, new initiatives, including cosplay in a grocery store. . .
6. . . . And a shoddily made Pac-Man ripoff.
7. Most non-profits would be worried about alienating donors by wasting money on pointless antics. Not Radford and Greenpeace! Instead, they doubled down and bought a luxury yacht.
8. It has multiple hot-tubs! And a helicopter!
9. But when they released “Carting Away the Oceans”, a comic book that claims to be a report on sustainability, not a single mainstream news outlet paid attention. Turns out that when companies stand up for their own integrity and the facts, it’s harder for the news media to give Greenpeace a free ride.
10. Faced with mounting irrelevance in the public discussion over seafood, Radford and Greenpeace held a high-level strategy meeting.
11. After deep thought and serious consideration…
12. Phil Radford decided it was time to leave the spotlight.
13. Bon voyage, Phil. We hope your legacy of Gangam-style dance videos, yacht parties, protests in plushy costumes and knock-off video games are real résumé builders you can point to with pride when you tell them about your tenure as U.S. fundraiser-in-chief.