An animated whiteboard systematically debunking Greenpeace’s extreme rhetoric.

Open Invitation Clock
Loading Clock
Total time that Greenpeace
has ignored open invitation
from International Seafood
Sustainability Foundation
(ISSF) to participate in the
ongoing dialogue about Tuna
fisheries & sustainability.
Thursday, February 7th, 2013

Seafood industry trade media reports that Greenpeace’s harassment campaign against grocers has picked up again but…yawn… the abuse never actually stops. I couldn’t help but think of the movie Groundhog Day, in which Bill Murray’s character says, “I’ll give you a winter prediction: It’s gonna be cold, it’s gonna be grey, and it’s gonna last you for the rest of your life.”

The same goes for Greenpeace’s annual survey of retailers’ seafood sustainability practices. It will always be a cheap publicity tool to “rank and spank” supermarkets without cause and it will always fail to resonate with the public and media. Just like every other empty-headed Greenpeace PR gimmick used to beg for donations, bully retailers and scare consumers.

Perhaps that’s because Greenpeace’s “multi-issue extremists” aren’t sustainability experts, just greedy fundraisers who want to keep the party, on that $40 million boat, going. Even without facts or reputation in their favor Greenpeace activists still think that retailers will take their arbitrary, unscientific and ultimately ridiculous demands seriously. Educated retailers get it—the exact same crew that’s gallivanting on the deck of a fundraising yacht are the folks dictating seafood sustainability policies via a silly supermarket ranking survey.

Don’t be surprised if the next Greenpeace activist dressed in plushy a costume looks a little too much like a groundhog because some things never change.

Posted by TFT-Staff

Greenpeace Cycle of
Abuse: Case History

Greenpeace Hypocrisy:
Case in Point